Sunday looks tantalisingly good on the river and the club has a flexible program of activities to take advantage of the summer weather. This is an ideal opportunity for new and prospective members to join in.

Without any serious racing scheduled, those wishing to get in early and have a go will be welcome to try their hand at a bit of scratch racing about 11:30, including Laser activities. There will also be the opportunity for members to get to grips with both the old and new patrol boats so come and have a driving lesson.

About 12:30, AQSC’s answer to Nigella, our very own Pat, will wo-man the BBQ for the production of her delicious Aquaburgers all generously supplied with a serving of onions.

At about 14:00 the Alice Lea Pico Trophy Race is scheduled to take place with Alice fighting off a stiff competition from three grumpy men who have forgotten how old they are.

The Hon Sec has found some shinny new rope and she is likely to be challenging the wicker seat sailors with some knotty problems so cringing in the club house is not safe.

Somewhere we will fit in the bath-duck recovery challenge where we will rescue a number of plastic duck species using a variety of flotation devises. Cheating and duplicity will be rewarded with a Mars bar.

Somewhere about 15:00 we will fit in tea and cakes and we will finish the day with a Pico relay event guaranteed to make all participants very damp.

So came along and celebrate the Summer Solstice on the river and don’t forget to bring a towel..

Mike Hendra

Activities Sunday 21 June 2015