Fantastic. We logged 36 members plus 2 prospective members in the shape of Oscar and Max. With such an event it is impossible to individually value each task as the sum of the efforts far exceed the value of individual input but perhaps the spirit of the day was most encapsulated by Andrea Nettle painting the winter quarter doors whilst being on crutches.

The jobs done by working parties are one of the ways that Club fees are able to remain as low as they are and although attending such days is a implicit in being a Club member, I think I can say that Nigel is grateful for and encouraged by the success of such events.

Working Party October 2022 - Mike Hendra

 In the past we have had an average of about 20 members attending each working party and so that would have been the rough expectation of the number attending the lunch. I do not know what miracles were performed in the galley to turn 20 lunches into 36 with some leftovers but when I find out I will pass on the secret.

So all that is left is for me to convey the thanks of all those involved for an incredibly successful working party and social day at AQSC. Thanks everyone!!

Sunday’s rain and exhaustion kept members away on Sunday although we did run a full racing program and the usual afternoon tea.