2003 Prizes 24Jan2004

The race series match those of last year and the same trophies have been awarded. Everyone who was 1st, 2nd, or 3rd for Boat Handicap or Personal Handicap result in a main series receives a glass. Some glasses have also been awarded for amount of sailing.

If helm capsize or have any other incident or breakage would they please make sure it is recorded on the race sheet so it can be include in my result records. The good sailing conditions this year meant there were a large number of capsize; 38 in total.

There were a number of contenders for the Water Rat Trophy; 13 helm had a total of 37 capsizes. Keith Hatton had eleven capsizes and Charles Dennis ten. Pat Halling was next on the list with three capsizes, this was more capsizes than he has had in the previous ten years, and his last was in 1999. But the Water Rat has been awarded to Bryan Clements for 3 capsizes and on each occasion he waited sitting on the hull for the safety boat; he was determined not to get his feet wet and it wasn't easy towing the capsized Graduate back to the club.

The Young Helm Trophy hasn't been awarded this year because no one has done enough races to qualify.

A total of 95 races on 31 days, including 27 Fun races, were sailed during the year. With 83 races Graham Thompson has done far more than any one else and has had an extremely successful year. Ignoring tiebreaks he was first on Boat and Personal Handicap in most series in spite of having a Personal Handicap of -11. Bryan Clements had the next highest number of races with 58. A tiebreak was need on 3 results to decide first place.

A printed report of each race entry, series results, summaries and other items are in the Race Result folder that is normally kept in the Club entrance. As the race entry reports are very compact and give virtually all the information (except intermediate lap times) on the original race entry sheets these will not be retained.
SERIES TROPHY MEMBER, Number of races H = Helm, C = Crew
Autumn PH Cruiser Cup Charles Dennis, 40 H + 0 C= 40 races, rank 4
Sprint PH Enterprise Cup Graham Thompson, 83 H + 0 C = 34 races, rank 1
SPA PH Saturday Trophy Richard Cannon, 48 H + 5 C = 53 races, rank 2
Spring PH Handicap Class Graham Thompson
Summer PH Laser Cup Pat Halling, 41 H + 0 C = 41 races, rank 3
Boat Handicap Result Broken Boom Graham Thompson
Long distance race Cundy Trophy Laurie Bridges
Event Water Rat Bryan Clements 3 capsizes waiting to be rescued
No Other Prize    
Most races Summer Afternoon Mike Baker, 33 H + 6 C = 39 races
Most Crewed Glass Liz Archer, 8 H, C 23 = 31 races

The following table lists the places of helms that were in the first three places for Boat Handicap or Personal Handicap in any series, except the Easter Egg, Regatta and Fun series. One point is given for each 3rd, two points for each 2nd and 3 points for each 1st place. Ranking is according to the total number of points obtained; rank gives an indication of overall performance including BH and PH results. Bold figures are used to indicate that a tie break was used.
Series Autumn SPA Spring Sprint Summer Rank for Prizes
Handicap BH PH BH PH BH PH BH PH BH PH Points  
Name Places BH PH Total Position
G Thompson 1 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 2 4 13 8 21 1
R Cannon 3 3 3 1 3 3 2 2 1 3 8 8 16 2
P Halling 4 4 1 3 2 2 5 6 3 1 7 6 13 3
C Dennis 2 1 5 5 12 13 3 4 4 2 3 5 8 4
K Hatton 14 14 4 2 6 7 8 9 13 14 0 1 1 5
R Wheeler 7 5 7 7 4 5 4 3 7 7 0 1 1 6

Richard Cannon
