Using Office 2002
Edit Title etc in trophies2000-Template.htm To out put HTML for web site make a copy of the sheet to the end, delete columns B & C (NOT Hide), Save as HTML inserting into trophies20y0-Template.htm and save as trophies20y0-.html.htm & Rename .html  
Edit out Font and Align as specified in the HTML template.
When done delete the copy sheet
To update the web page MUST Save as Web Page using Excel 97 (uses only .HTM, rename to .html) (Although Excel 2002 will insert a table into an existing HTML file the output is very large)
Follow find/replace  instructions in trophies2000-.html
09Dec2012 Using Libre Office Calc, strange things are happening; see things that shouldn't and if copy/Paste 2012 into a new blank dock pastes another sheet in. 
1 Hide columns B & C
2 Export, saves as an xhtml file;  rename as html. GRID isn't saved and there are extra rows
3 Use Komposa to Delete rows not required and in Extended Table properties add Border 1, CellPadding 3
4 Only the table has a border not the cells. Haven't found how to add borders to the cells, or how to customise the html Calc creates.
16Dec2013 Used Office 97 in VM Win XP
20Jun2016 Used Libre office Calc In trophies2010Template-.html copy From <HTML> to start of table then uses Kompozer to paste in trophies2010-.html to create the headings etc.. change Name column width to 134px and Year columns to 65px.
Use EditPad Most row heights are wrong so to replace all 'height="nnn" ' with blank.
Open "…\Trophies\TROPHIES.XLS" in LO Calc.>Tab TROPHY HOLDERS 2010->RC Move/Copy Sheet>Copy to New Document>Delete columns B and C>Delete all rows after last NAME>Save a Copy as HTML 
"…\WebRoot\raceresults\trophies\trophies2010-Calc.html">Open trophies2010-Calc.html in EditPad>Replace all ‘height="*" ‘ with null using Regular Expressions ‘height="^\d+$” ‘  but may need RegEditPro
From ...\WebRoot\raceresults\trophies\trophies2010-Template.htm" copy from <meta name=”Authur”… to before </body> and paste into trophies2010-Calc.html  between after</style> and after <body>
25-Nov-19 Update trophylist.html with Komposer; add 3 trophy rows Under Tumbling Waters as copy of Tumbling Waters; edit with new contents for Earlybird, Sunrise and Bosun..