
Commodore’s Report
Thames Boat Jumble
Sailing Secretary report
Last Sunday Sailing
Prizes 2000
Mid-Thames Trophy
Gale Damage
Flood Effects
Water, water everywhere
Thames Navigation
Sailing Programme 2001
The Annual Dinner
Club Security
Murder Mystery Weekend
A New Laser Pico
For Sale
Sailboat Show
Social & Sailing calendar
Club Open Weekend
New Year in Germany
Pay Up Time

The Annual Dinner & Beyond

AQSC's millennium year ended with the annual dinner on the night of Saturday 25th November. In similar style to the last few years this was held in the club house with private caterers brought in to prepare the meal. The club provided the wines and a very good raffle followed by a live band. The clubhouse was trimmed with sails and pennants and each table decorated with colour co-ordinated table clothes, serviettes, flowers and candles. The whole atmosphere was warm and intimate. Many thanks to all members of the sub committee who put a lot of work into this event and made it a thoroughly friendly and enjoyable evening. Unfortunately Lyn and I had to leave the dinner early. We had an extremely early taxi booked the following morning to get us to Heathrow for a holiday flight to Borneo. Why Borneo ? probably the same reason that took us to the Island of Komodo to see the dragons and will probably sometime in the future take us to the Congo rain forest to see the mountain gorillas. This time it was Orang-Utans.

Mike (Over Easy) Baker

Club Security

IIf members unlock the club entrance gates they must not be left unlocked unless it is for an event in the Club programme.
When a gate is left unlocked the club padlock MUST be locked to close the chain links; this allows a member to exit if the gate is locked by the Thames Water lock while a member is at the Club (a member has been trapped inside in the past).
When leaving the club lock both gates if in any doubt about some one else locking them.


We were sorry to hear of the death of Eric Bridgewater's wife, Nan, and extend our deepest sympathy to him.