
Autumn 2003


Commodore’s Bit
AGM & Prize Giving
Annual Dinner
Ceremony of Keys
Cruising at Chichester
Everything Comes
For Sale
Impossible Dream
Local Government
London Fun Night
News of Members
Regatta & Jazz Night
Sailing Report
SigneT Nationals
Social Calendar
Stop Press News
Tall Ships at Rouen
What Goes Around
Winter’s Coming
Working Party

Working Party at Aquarius on 4 October 2003

I have to say that I was highly gratified by the number of people who gave up their Saturday to help on this working party.

An incredible amount of work was achieved. Nearly the whole exterior of the club house was painted by Brian Clements, Jo Courtney, John Neale, Graham Thompson and Pat Halling.

The walk ways from the car park gates to the Bosun's store were weeded and white lining renewed where necessary by Mike Rogers, Gordon Courtney and John Neale. New ring main cables were laid ready for the installation of the new consumer unit by Nigel Knowles. Several trees were lopped or trimmed by Pat Irvine, Laurie Bridges and Nigel Knowles. John Tompkins and Eric Bridgewater undertook a lot of general trimming and clearing around the club while Pete Carpenter, David Jennings and Richard Cannon undertook a whole range of general work.

Bryan satisfied his pyrotechnic urges by burning everything that he could lay his hands on (well almost!). Charles Dennis pressure washed a whole range of things including the club house exterior, a couple of the larger wet berth boats and the water front walkways.

Last, and by no means least, Diana Carpenter slaved away in the galley and produced a great lunch of Chilli con carni and/or Chicken and Mushroom casserole, with baked potatoes and French bread which really hit the spot judging by the number of folks that went back for seconds.

Great job guys, thank you all very much.

Mike Baker