
Autumn 2004


Commodore’s Bit
AGM & Prize Giving
Annual Dinner
Athens Olympics
Back-tracking History
Bewl Visit
Bodgett Bodges On
Dinghy Show
For Sale
Italian Evening
Maritime Greenwich
Mid Thames Trophy
Sailing Sec’s Report
Simple Things
Social Calendar
Summer Serenade
Working Party

E-mail - Richard Cannon

E-mail provides an extreme low cost, in effort and cash, communication method compared to the post that requires printing and envelopes to be addressed, stamped and posted; but it does need members to read their e-mail.

About 67% of the membership have an e-mail address and they are added to a distribution list unless they have asked to be omitted. They are sent an occasional e-mail giving a reminder of things like Aquarius events and duties.

When there has been something like a a change to the programme then those not on the distribution list are sent notification by post if it might be relevant to them.

Recently when a booking reply was required for a changed event I think all the replies were from the e-mail and there were none from the posted notification.

If you have an e-mail address and don’t receive an occasional Aquarius e-mail or you would rather not be on the list please e-mail or, or phone 01932 786636.

Working Party On
27 November 2004

The committee has scheduled a last working party for the year on Saturday 27 November. This will be to clean the site up and slip the safety boat before the Christmas/New Year break. We need to mow and strim the grass, do some weeding along the front and up the ramp and chop back the nettles in the trailer park. We also need to ensure that the boats are adequately picketed for the winter. We are planning a fish and chips lunch and I would appreciate it if as many of you as possible could spare a few hours, starting at 10.00am to come down and lend a hand. Many thanks.

Mike (The Commodore) Baker