
Spring 2002


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Annual Dinner
AGM Joan Bray
AGM Mike Baker
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AGM, Prize Giving & End of Season Party
8 December 2001

So if you didn't attend the AGM, or send your apologies for absence, WHERE WERE YOU? The AGM is a really important annual meeting to determine the way forward for The Club in the coming year. Every full member of The Club should exercise their right to be part of, and have a say in, that process.

The AGM was the first order of business. The Commodore, Rodger Wheeler, opened the meeting. The last AGM minutes and matters arising were quickly dealt with. Rodgers own report covered three main areas. The first covered an update on the proposed footbridge across the Thames adjacent to The Club. Rodger was assisted in this by Eric Bridgewater who has been keeping a watching brief on developments for some time. The second was to revue the years achievements and to thank individuals for their contributions. Finally Rodger announced that after four years he was standing down as Commodore of AQSC.

Joan Garrett delivered the Treasurers report and answered questions arising.

George Bray took over the Chair to oversee the election of Club Officers and Management Committee members for 2002.

Rodger agreed to another years term, but only with changed responsibilities. Accordingly George Bray will chair the monthly Management Committee meetings and Rodger will be assisted by two Rear Commodores; one to handle External matters (i.e. The Bridge, the UDP and Thames Water) and one to handle Internal matters (i.e. Premises).

Following discussions the Officers and Committee were elected.

Following AOB the AGM was closed and the annual prize giving got underway. (See Richard Cannon's separate report).

The evening concluded with mulled wine, mince pies and other goodies supplied by "The Ladies". Many thanks to all involved for a lively and enjoyable evening marking the end of another sailing year at Aquarius SC.

Mike (Over Easy) Baker