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Spring 2005


Commodore’s Bit
Annual Dinner
For Sale
Hawker SC
Hogs Back Brewery
Le Pré Valentin 1
Le Pre Valentin 2
Licensing Act
Mid Thames Trophy
Open Weekend
Prizes for 2004
Programme 1
Programme 2
Riverside Barn Concert
Rules Evening
Sailing Down Wind
Sailing Rules
Skittles Night
Start of Season Party
Working Party 2004
Working Party 2005

2004 Prizes - Richard Cannon

The race series matched those of last year and the same trophies were awarded. Everyone who was 1st, 2nd, or 3rd for Boat Handicap or Personal Handicap result in a main series receives a glass. Some glasses have also been awarded for amount of sailing. Charles Dennis has provided a new Trophy, Tumbling Waters, for the most improved helm.

If helm capsize or have any other incident or breakage would they please make sure it is recorded on the race sheet so it can be include in my result records

There were a number of contenders for the Water Rat Trophy; 6 helm had a total of 40 capsizes but Charles Dennis was way in the lead with 25 capsizes.

The Young Helm Trophy wasn't awarded this year because no one has done enough races to qualify.

Although Graham Thompson often seems unbeatable it was Charles Dennis who has had an extremely successful season winning the majority of the Trophies. He was first on Boat and Personal Handicap in most series in spite of having a Personal Handicap of -13.

In 1999 Bryan Clements had gone up to a Personal handicap of 50, today it has gone down to 4 and he receives the Tumbling Waters Trophy for the most improved helm.

A printed report of each race entry, series results, summaries and other items are in the Race Result folder that is normally kept in the Club. As the race entry reports are very compact and give virtually all the information (except intermediate lap times) on the original race entry sheets these will not be retained.

Trophy winners