

Autumn 2007


Commodore's Writes

AGM and Prize Giving

Annual Dinner

Bewl Water

Bodgit Gondola


Dinghy Show


Homes Wanted

HSC Regatta - Richard

HSC Regatta - Tony

Laugh at Really Serious

Lord of the Rings

Musical Quiz


Raffle Donations

Safety boats

Sailing after End Year

SigneT Open Meeting

Skittles Night


Twilight Cruise

Water Everywhere

Working Party 29 July

Working Party 6 Oct


July 2007 - Water, Water Everywhere …

 Aquarius members watched anxiously as The Thames turned into a raging torrent fed by the devastating rainfall in the head water counties. Environment Agency navigation warnings flashed across the internet and news programmes where dominated by the weather.

On the weekend 21-22 July, and because of the weather, the Molesey Regatta was cancelled. I can’t remember that ever happening before. Rodger reported that their upstream mark, which was placed opposite our clubhouse, was physically dragged downstream by the flow, its grapple anchor having lost the battle with the onslaught.

On Wednesday 25 & Friday 27 July Nigel and I were at the club and although the river was in full spate the level was only a little higher than normal. The major difference was that our Dory was floating in the lower slip, safely tethered and held off the wall by an enormous buoy that Bryan had rescued from the river.

Everything else was pretty normal. Lots of people phoned in to enquire if they should be getting worried about their boats. The answer to that is if your boat is properly picketed, bows up and the bungs out it should be fine. Trouble is there are a number of boats that aren’t. Picketing isn’t just for the winter, it’s a sensible all year round precaution.

Mike (Water) Baker