

Autumn 2007


Commodore's Writes

AGM and Prize Giving

Annual Dinner

Bewl Water

Bodgit Gondola


Dinghy Show


Homes Wanted

HSC Regatta - Richard

HSC Regatta - Tony

Laugh at Really Serious

Lord of the Rings

Musical Quiz


Raffle Donations

Safety boats

Sailing after End Year

SigneT Open Meeting

Skittles Night


Twilight Cruise

Water Everywhere

Working Party 29 July

Working Party 6 Oct


Working Party - 6 October

Clearing the drainage channel behind the clubhouse On Saturday  there was very good support for the working party. Around 23 members achieved a great deal and were rewarded by an excellent lunch and tea prepared by Joan Bray and helpers. Fortunately the weather was ideal for all the outside work.

Following the very heavy rain this summer there was dampness in the foyer. The source of water ingress was identified as rain overflowing the “damp proof” course behind the clubhouse. A channel was dug out.and it was lined with paving stones to give much better drainage for water running off the roof. Nigel continued work on Sunday lining it with cement instead of sailing.

The paved trailer park The trailer park is a problem with stinging nettles and this has been reduced by laying paving stone over a big area of the entrance; this was very hard heavy work. Another large area was covered with carpet and some surplus decking.

Apart from these major tasks there was strimming of the banks, car park, trailer park, and boat berths.