Spring 2010


Commodore's Report

AGM and Prize Giving

Amusing Observations

Annual Dinner

Boaty Information

Bodgit Journals

Chapter 4 – not all over

Christmas Lunch

Club Open Weekend

Firework Night

Greece and the Rat

Mid-Thames Trophy  

Newsletter Printing


Pat Halling’s Musical

Programme March - May

Sailing Prog. Notes

Secretary’s Bit

Senior Moments  

SigneT Open Meeting

Start Of Season Party

Valentines Day Lunch

Working Party

You Were Warned


Bodgit Journals

Wednesday 10 December found Bodgit & Son working at the club again. 10:30am coffee, as usual, then to the business in hand.

There were doors to be hung from the conservatory up to the top deck. Modified window finishers had to be fitted to the outside of the conservatory and a new answer phone cable to be run into the clubhouse and connected.

It was a long haul but at 8:00pm Richard arrived with Cod & Chips which signalled the end of the day. Following dinner there was just time to clean up and get the clubhouse ready for Pat Halling’s musical evening on the Friday.

Wednesday 23 December: Bodgit & Son (Pantomime Div.) with the help of Stuart Schafer constructed the stage for the Aquarius Panto. This was followed by erection of wing flats and scenery for the ‘inside the castle scenes’. The ‘outside the castle’ scenery was then designed and Mrs Bodgit was good enough to dye a couple of old sheets blue and machine them together for the backdrop.

Meanwhile Bodgit Senior opened his own boatyard and started churning out panto Pico’s (luckily none of them were required to actually float).

Once the post Christmas snow clears to allow work to recommence those will be hung and painted ready for the 17th.

Over the years Bodgit & Son has undertaken a fair amount of work at Aquarius but building a panto set has to rate amongst the strangest but possibly the most fun!

Monday 11 January: Finally the snow cleared enough to be able to get to the club and paint the remaining scenery while also giving it time to dry. Bodgit’s boats were also completed and launched upon a blue cotton sheet pond in time for the dress rehersal on Saturday the 13th and the show itself on the 14th.