Spring 2010


Commodore's Report

AGM and Prize Giving

Amusing Observations

Annual Dinner

Boaty Information

Bodgit Journals

Chapter 4 – not all over

Christmas Lunch

Club Open Weekend

Firework Night

Greece and the Rat

Mid-Thames Trophy  

Newsletter Printing


Pat Halling’s Musical

Programme March - May

Sailing Prog. Notes

Secretary’s Bit

Senior Moments  

SigneT Open Meeting

Start Of Season Party

Valentines Day Lunch

Working Party

You Were Warned


Working Party Sunday 29th of November

What a foul day! I arrived at 10.40 and expected only a handful of people to turn up because the weather forecast for Sunday was heavy rain; but by 12.00 a.m. there were plenty of hardy souls suitably dressed to battle the elements.

The plan was to de-weed and re-organise the trailer park, and the team set about the task with vigour! Most of the trailers were removed, and the dinghies/cats/cruisers were moved close to the conifers. All the old rusting and incomplete trailers were stacked under the conifers. This clearing work took plenty of manpower and was managed just on 1.30 when a much required lunch was served by Diana Carpenter, Joan Courtney, Pat Irving and Liz Archer, thank you ladies, as we were all wet and out on our feet by then.

Meanwhile Nigel had been lopping the trees along the reservoir tree line and another team had been re-hanging the clubroom curtains.

After lunch came the job of returning all the other trailers neatly into the trailer park, which is now uncluttered and with space for a few more trailers.  Anyone who uses the "Trailer Park" please keep it tidy and uncluttered, please consider that other people may need to get out and return their trailers from time to time.

This was the third working party this year and it was great to see such a good turnout in spite of awful weather. Your efforts have made the "Trailer Park" a joy to behold and use, thank you.

Tony Hopkins (Commodore)