Spring 2003


Commodore’s Report
Thing’s we need to know
Message from Joan Bray

Annual Club Fee
Work Party

Calendar To May
Start of Season Party
Open Weekend
Very Windy Sunday
Sailing Secretary Report
2002 Prizes
Annual Dinner 1
Annual Dinner 2
For Sale/Want
Murder Mystery Evening
Valentines Dinner
Land of Pasty Factories
Richmond Theatre
Tower of London
AGM & Prize Giving
In The Money
Web Site

The Sailing Program
The Last Race Day
Carrot and Coriander Soup

Annual Dinner 23 November 2002

With some trepidation Diana Carpenter volunteered to take on the responsibility of organising the Annual Dinner at the Club because Madeline Hatton was expecting to be in middle of moving house at this time. Diana needn't have been concerned as her hard work ensured everything went very smoothly.

In the past the Annual Dinner has made a deficit, so to avoid increasing the ticket price two major economies were made; tape and CD music (using Peter Carpenter's equipment) replaced the band, and Janet Edwards managed to obtain plates and cutlery at a much lower cost than from the caterers, although this gave us the the task of cleaning (mainly by Diana) and returning them.

In previous years we have limited the number to 38 but this year it was increased to 43 to avoid disappointing members; we manage to accommodate them comfortably.

Our caterers, Tasty Morsels, lived up to their name and prepared us delicious out of the ordinary food. Diane, Madeline, Mary Dennis and Linda Rowley and Linda Wheeler distributed the food to us yet manage to fit in their own meal.

Members seemed to enjoy not having a live band as we were in control the volume and more people stayed much longer than usual having a comfortable chat. Around 11:30 pm space was made for dancing , and the music style and volume changed until 1:30 am when the last members left.

The raffle, run by Janet, was another great success with eighteen prizes donated by members, and well over £100 was raised.

On Sunday morning members returned to the Club to clear up and by lunch time it was all spick and span. It was probably one of the best dinners we have had, and for the first time in years there was a surplus.