
Summer 2004


Commodore’s Bit
Annual Open Weekend
Anti-Social Behaviour
Bewl Water
Bodgett & Son
Commodores Conference
Dinghy Show
Dinghy's go walkabout
Farewell to Maggie
First Sail of Year
Greenwich Walk
Hampton SC Regatta
May Bank Holiday
Mid Thames Trophy
News of Members
Ode to Joan Bray
Quiz Night
Regatta and Barbecue
Sailing Secretary Report
Social Calendar
ST Open Grafham Water
ST Open Paxton Lakes
Start of Season Party
Trailer Park
Virus Strikes Again
Wed. afternoon Racing

A tongue-in-cheek Ode to Joan Bray

If she sends a letter she's a nuisance

If she telephones she's lazy

If she calls a meeting she's a pest

If she doesn't she's a slacker

If she asks for advice she's incompetent

If she doesn't she's a dictator

If she asks for a subscription she's impertinent

If she doesn't she's neglecting her duties

If she makes a decision she's exceeding her authority

If she doesn't she's a useless fool

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust

If no-one else will do it The Secretary must.


YMCA journal, via Pat Irving and 'modified' by Over Easy