

Summer 2009


Commodore's Writes


Club Improvements

Ever been had?

First Aid Course

Front Gate

George Bray Surprise

Great Idea

Indoor Mini Olympic

Launching Club Boats

Loads of Picos

Main Sheet Input

Mid Summer Cruise

Mid Thames Trophy

Newsletter Printing

Open Weekend

Out and About

Racing Ruler 2009-2012

Regatta and Hog Roast

Sailing Secretary Notes

Skittles Night

Social Calendar

Spring Issue Question

Start of Season Party


Weather Forecasts


Work Parties

Youth Sailing Program

George Bray's Birthday Surprise

The idea to celebrate George's 80th birthday and spring a surprise party for him at the club was a great success.

Rodger's organisational skills were put into overdrive while Joan tried to figure out a way to get George to the club without raising his suspicions.

A small army of the club ladies prepared an array of buffet food while Linda Wheeler constructed a galleon birthday cake.

Once the first youth sail training session was over the club was made ready and suitably decorated. By 7:30pm most people had arrived and the final touches were added to the buffet.

George and Joan arrived at 8:00pm and as they approached the club were met by a guard of honour holding an arch of crossed paddles. Once through they were met by an eighty gun salute delivered by all the members using party poppers!

The look on George's face was a picture. The evening was a great success and seemed to flash by. The food was great, there was dancing and later a toast was proposed to George during which he was presented with a rather fetching, suitably engraved tankard, to hang behind the club bar. By the time the cake was cut I think George had just about come down off the ceiling while Joan had a broad smile on her face. George said he would never trust her again but secretly I think he was tickled pink. Hope you enjoyed it George, here's to the next one!

George was a prime mover in springing a similar surprise birthday party on me a few years ago at the club. This time it was his turn and he was caught out just as I had been; you never see these things coming.

Mike (Over Easy) Baker