

Summer 2009


Commodore's Writes


Club Improvements

Ever been had?

First Aid Course

Front Gate

George Bray Surprise

Great Idea

Indoor Mini Olympic

Launching Club Boats

Loads of Picos

Main Sheet Input

Mid Summer Cruise

Mid Thames Trophy

Newsletter Printing

Open Weekend

Out and About

Racing Ruler 2009-2012

Regatta and Hog Roast

Sailing Secretary Notes

Skittles Night

Social Calendar

Spring Issue Question

Start of Season Party


Weather Forecasts


Work Parties

Youth Sailing Program

Spring Issue Quiz question.

The answer to the question 'what five letter word reads the same upside down and back to front?' was SWIMS


Weather Forecasts
Richard Cannon

There are links to 3 weather sites on the Aquarius web site; the BBC, Metcheck and a Lower Sunbury garden, my preference is the Metcheck site. On sailing days I normally put a Metcheck weather forecast on the notice board in the club entrance.

Input to 'The Mainsheet'

Despite several requests for membership contributions to 'The Mainsheet' I'm still mainly plugging away on my own. John Neale has kindly come up with one or two items and I also had one from George Bray and Frank Rainsborough but the rest of you are a washout.

Surely someone out there has got something they could contribute to the newsletter. Failing this you will just have to put up with whatever I can dream up, but I don't mind telling you it's getting more and more challenging to come up with ideas month after month.

So I'll try again … please, if you have something, or would like to write something, on any subject, it doesn't necessarily have to be about sailing, email it to me and we will publish it in the autumn edition. How about something from our recent youth sailing trainees? Go on, what's stopping you?

Mike (Over Easy) Baker