Summer 2012


Commodore's Bit

Bewl Sailing Club visit

Blackberry Jam

Cruise - Mike

Cruise - Trudi

Hello and Welcome

Lyn Baker

Mike Hendra, Publicity

Mrs R F McCoy

News of Members

Newsletter Printing

Pimms with Noel Coward

Regatta and ST Open

Regatta Sunday  

River Current Speed

Sailing Secretary Report

Social Calendar

Thanks To Membership

Weather Station


Lyn Baker

It is with deep regret and sadness that we announce the recent death of Lyn Baker.

She was a lovely lady who bore her long illness with courage, dignity and cheerfulness.

We will all miss her and our deepest condolences go to Mike and his family

Joan Bray Secretary

Mrs R F McCoy

We regret to announce the death of "Mackie McCoy" an Honorary Member of the club.

Many of the newer members will not have known her but she and her late husband, Richard, were founder members of the club and worked very hard to establish the club as a friendly and successful venue and much of what you see on the moorings is thanks to their efforts in the early days.

Whilst her husband was the boat builder and carpenter, "Mackie" was the organiser and general helpmate and developed the social side of the club. In retirement to Christchurch in 1984 they both became very involved in the support of the local RNLI.

Many of the older members of the club remember her with great affection and our thoughts are with her family Richard and Janet.

Joan and I attended her funeral in April in Bournemouth and the club has made a donation to the RNLI in her memory.

George Bray

Lyn Baker