Summer 2012


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Pimms with Noel Coward

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Pimms with Noel Coward 21st July 2012

Somewhere between the Aquarius Regatta and the 21st July, the Aquarius Players, under the leadership of one Rodger (the Anaconda) Wheeler were slowly drawn into the chaos of another club production. Initially there was some discussion with a little tooing and froing and slowly the hapless performers were drawn into the whirlpool.

The first serious production meeting was held on the 15th July at the clubhouse following afternoon tea. With uncertainty as to the framework for the event, the number of performers, the songs to be used and the running order, we scheduled a rehearsal for Thursday 19th. With the aid of email and for Rodger, much midnight oil, things looked a little shaky but were forming up. Somewhere as if from a hat, Coleen was hauled in by Pat Halling so at least we had a pianist.

Through Friday we struggled with matching songs on the CD Rodger had acquired, to the words on the song sheets that Rodger had produced; a problem that blighted the Mikado. Saturday morning was the final rehearsal beyond which we were live.

By sunny Saturday, we had gained some confidence, its always better when the sun shines! The rehearsal went reasonable well, some last minute changes were made and we all went home to do a final polishing job. At the Saturday rehearsal we discussed (for the first time) the layout of the club but left without it being resolved. Ahh well, it will be alright on the night!The Regatta cup is awarded on Per

During all this time the Players gave little thought to the real production, Dianna Carpenter and her trusty catering team who were beavering away behind the chaos. As they had done many times before.

During Saturday afternoon we practised while Rodger revised the scripts, songs, running order etc. By this time Jean and I had several scripts with Jean working from the musical score and me from lyric sheets that I had downloaded. When we arrived at the club Rodger had had fun on his printer and now we had a final version. Well, I thought I had, although mine turned out to be different from Jean’s.

The late afternoon weather felt good, the sun was still shinning and the evening was full of promise. Peter and Joan were manning (old English but womanning doesn’t work) the bar and the Pimms looked good. At least we would start with a well lubricated throat.

It was good to see faces that had been absent through the summer and reacquaint ourselves with the news of old friends. I felt confident and I knew Jean was OK although my duet partner Anne Halling was a little nervous. We had a quiet rehearsal and it went very well, a lot better than my croaky performance anyway.

The overture and beginners went well with Rodger dressed for the part and, with the exception of some very small glitches, the evening was good fun and seemed to be enjoyed by all present. My new script for Mad Dogs was somehow disordered but with everyone joining in I don’t think that mattered much. Everyone else seemed to be doing well and enjoying themselves and that seemed to be the case with the audience too. With some work for the audience, a table of sumptuous food, a good lubrication of bubbly and a pleasant summer evening (at last) the evening appeared to be a great success for most of us in including our two octogenarians.

As with everything he does, Rodger worked very hard with Linda suffering quietly beside him. The players put in a lot of effort, the catering team did a sterling job as usual and Peter Carpenter and crew, Joan kept us lubricated as he normally does. Finally the same many hands helped with clean up, wash up and lock up.

As always, naming names is sure way of missing someone who put in a lot of effort expecting nothing in return so where possible I try to avoid that trap. It helps me too cos I can’t remember names anyway! So as ever, fun at the club is not down to the song and dance gang but to the many that provide the support that makes it all possible and makes the Aquarius Sailing Club a great place to have fun.

Mike Hendra