Summer 2010


Commodore's Reoort

Bewl Water

Big Cat's Maiden Voyage

Biscuit World Bust Up

Bodgit Diaries

Forthcoming Events  

Fun And Training 12 July

Grafham Water

Joan Bray welcomes

Lessons Learnt

Mid Summer Cruise

Mid Thames Trophy  

Newsletter Printing

Ode to Spell Chequer

Open Weekend

Personal Property

Regatta & Hog Roast

Safety Boats Use

Sent to Over Easy

SigneT Open at AQSC

Social Calendar

Start of Season Party

Start of Spring Series

Stories Needed

Sunset Takes To Water

Things To Do

Thought For Today

Weather Forecasts

Working Party




Commodore’s Report

We are well into the sailing season and I have hardly spent any time sailing. The open weekend provided an opportunity to get on the water and take out prospective members, the Saturday was disappointing with only one visitor but Sunday seemed to bring a bountiful supply and the sailing conditions were good.

The Mid-Thames trophy hosted by Aquarius proved a fairly windless event but the Sun shone and as usual Aquarius did the event proud especially with the lunch and tea, a very well done to all those who baked cakes, served teas, prepared and served lunches.  A working party the weekend before put the club house, reach and car park in tip top condition, again many thanks to all those who attended.


Due to a clash of dates I missed the club regatta as I had booked a week in the sun hoping for some sailing on the Med, alas conditions were against me with strong onshore winds and rough seas, I did manage one short sail.

 We will soon be hosting a Signet open meeting, needless to say we will need members on hand to make sure that the event is a success.

The dead tree has now been felled  making the end of the reach fairly safe.

Great Sailing,

Tony Hopkins



Felled willow tree