Summer 2010


Commodore's Reoort

Bewl Water

Big Cat's Maiden Voyage

Biscuit World Bust Up

Bodgit Diaries

Forthcoming Events  

Fun And Training 12 July

Grafham Water

Joan Bray welcomes

Lessons Learnt

Mid Summer Cruise

Mid Thames Trophy  

Newsletter Printing

Ode to Spell Chequer

Open Weekend

Personal Property

Regatta & Hog Roast

Safety Boats Use

Sent to Over Easy

SigneT Open at AQSC

Social Calendar

Start of Season Party

Start of Spring Series

Stories Needed

Sunset Takes To Water

Things To Do

Thought For Today

Weather Forecasts

Working Party


Regatta & Hog Roast 12 /13 June

The regatta weekend is always a highlight event in the club calendar. Experience shows that a combination of ‘serious’ racing and fun events for those for whom racing holds less interest, is the way to go. Something for everyone.

A work party got together on Friday night to put up the cover over the quarterdeck. Forward thinking had this down as a sunshade or rain cover, either way the space would be needed. Nigel had collected the hog roast itself and Pete had collected and installed a pin of TEA (traditional English ale) from the Hog’s Back Brewery. Tables were set out and the galley cleared.

I wasn’t around for the sailing on Saturday and Sunday but I understand both the racing and fun events went well. I had hoped someone would provide a few words about the regatta but evidently not! Lyn and I did make the hog roast in the evening and I have to say it was excellent although attendance seemed a bit down on past years which is a shame considering the amount of effort by many people that goes into its organisation.

It was a beautiful evening and almost everybody was out on the quarterdeck for most of the time. There was recorded jazz for some and the first England world cup game for others. The food was outstanding. The hog was roasted to perfection (I think Nigel’s getting the hang of it) and served with so many varieties of salad it made your head spin. The TEA and Pimm’s appeared to be going down well (not a bad pint that TEA).

Thank you to everybody involved in the organisation and all those who helped out on the night, with special thanks to Nigel for wrangling the hog, Diana for organising the salads and desserts. Also all the folks who helped clear up, a thankless task, but most appreciated by anyone who has done it in the past.

Mike (Over Easy) Baker


Nigel carving the hog Nigel carving the hog