
Commodore’s Report
News of Members
Club Nights
AGM Announce
Bewl Water Richard
Bewl Water Mike
Sailing Secretary Report
Coverwood Lakes Visit
Quiz Night George
Quiz Night Diana
Musical Extravaganza
Club Roof Replacement
To SERP or not to SERP
For Sale
A Royal Appointment
Fireworks Party
BBQ Jazz & Regatta
Social Calendar
Annual Dinner Announce

Too much of a...

Too much of a (good ???) thing …

Although, as you've probably gathered, I'm not adverse to writing the odd article for the newsletter I was surprised to see just how much of my stuff Richard had included last time around. Now come on people! They say there's a book in everyone and we are not asking for a book, we aren't even asking for an essay … just a few lines for a news sheet that comes out three times a year.
If your stuck for ideas how about some more 'for sale' or 'wanted' items. There's no charge for advertising and it doesn't have to be just boat bits. Could be anything from last years unwanted Christmas present from great Aunt Flo to your house, and at very least it could beat standing out at a wet & windy car boot sale.
How about some readers recommendations, e.g., interesting Web sites visited recently. Good books read lately (try 'Airframe' by Michael Crichton, I guarantee you'll never fly again without remembering this book). Have you got any unusual habits, sorry, hobbies.

Do you collect things (are you trying to get rid of things… back to 'for sale' perhaps!). Been to any good restaurants lately (I can think of a couple of those I'd have no problem recommending … and a couple I'd steer you away from for that matter).

If you really can't or won't write something for publishing how about submitting some thoughts to the editor re what you would like to see/read in the newsletter. For the enlightened the easiest way is to e-mail Richard at the address you can find on the front page of "The Main Sheet". Failing that sharpen up the old quill pen and drop him a line.
And Finally … I guess that's about it for this year. If your planning to go to the annual club dinner on 25th November (highly recommended) I'll see you there (Menu looks good!). Lyn's just told me that the following morning we have to be at Heathrow bright and early to catch a flight somewhere … just my luck! but I suppose it just might provide the basis for some more of my ramblings … unless by the next issue Richard is inundated with your articles (hint, hint!!!)

Mike (I've just written another one) Baker