Spring 2011


Commodore's Bit


AGM And Prize Giving

Annual Club Dinner

Annual Programme

Bodgit & Co

Burns Night & Video

Cheats Xmas Lunch

Club Open Weekend

Environmental Agency

Financial Problems

Financial Crisis (Solve)

Great Sailing


Kempton Park Fireworks

Ladies Lunch

Newsletter Printing

Out Of The Mouths Of

Pantomime March - May

Post Code (New)



Sailing Prog. Notes

SigneT Open Meeting  

Something Special

Start Of Season Party


Valley Gardens Visit

Web Site

What's Been Going On

Winter Water Front

Work Party

Work Party (Special)


Bodgit & Co.

The other day somebody asked me "what makes Bodgit & Co. tick?". A good question, and, at the time I didn't really have an answer. Later however I got to thinking about it, as you do, and I came to the conclusion that we actually enjoy what it is we do.

We set ourselves challenges, come up with solutions, find  the materials and get to play with expensive power tools. We get to make a mess without getting into trouble for it, in that when we finish at the end of a day we don't have to clear up. We can just down tools, walk away and come back in the morning and pick-up where we left off the night before. I know that sounds a bit lame but it's a real bonus.

Coffee and doughnuts also play a major role. Work can't start in the morning before coffee and jam doughnuts and there's no one around to say "you shouldn't be eating that, it's not very healthy!". Of course it isn't,  but it's what we like. Lunch is usually a little 'healthier'.


I suppose Aquarius is like our garden shed or allotment. It's where Bodgit goes to plot, plan, relax, enjoy and work. Provide Bodgit with bricks, cement, wood, cable, plumbing and they will play for hours and build you a castle. You may not have wanted a castle but … well you know what I'm saying. I suppose it also helps that Bodgit is technically 'retired' and therefore, with joint senior management’s permission, isn't restricted to weekend only working. That concession also enables us to sail a bit on Sundays.

Bodgit is not a closed shop, over the years many members have contributed their time, tools and expertise to help with a number of projects and that has been really appreciated. Equally not all the jobs are about maintenance or improvements, sometimes we really get to play, as in making scenery and props for dinners and pantomimes.

Simplistically Bodgit & Co. is a focus, sometimes a catalyst, for things that need doing at Aquarius. We take care of work that definitely needs to be done but sometimes choose to turn a deaf ear to 'less urgent' tasks that anyone could do.

Aquarius is a bit like painting the Forth Road Bridge, you get to the end, turn around, and it all needs doing again; but it's our Forth Road Bridge and we are proud of it. We think it's worth the effort and a little sweat to keep it up to snuff. Hope you agree?

Bodgit (Deep Thoughts) Division.