Commodore’s Bit

Autumn 1999

“If this generator should dare to roam, box it’s ears and send it home to....AQUARIUS”. Please! Someone must know it’s whereabouts.

I was really pleased to see so many boats out at the beginning of September, many helmed or crewed by members who joined us this year. All five club boats were in use. Aquarius sailors didn’t quite cause a traffic jam but it was a bit difficult avoiding the eights and cruisers. The preceding weekend saw many members at Bewl Water for our usual enjoyable Bank Holiday sail.

At this point I must thank Richard for the massive amount of effort he has expended on Wednesday evening training sessions and a special sailing day for Kingston Social Services.

If you’ve walked into an errant wooden post on your approach to the club, you have obviously failed to notice the new pergola. Many thanks to Mike Baker and Ron Munden for it’s acquisition and erection. A waterproof cover will be mounted during “inclement” conditions.

You may also have noticed the result of much very hard work on the upstream end of the club facade. Thanks again to Richard, Bryan etc.

1 Commodore's Bit
2 Annual Dinner
3 Working Party
4 Sunbury Regatta
5 Signet Championships
6 Topper Adventures
7 Solent '99
8 Solent 99 page 2
9 Children’s Activity Day
10 Bewl Visit
11 Sailing Report
12 Eclipse Cruise
13 Hampton Riverside
14 Hampton Riverside p 2
15 Cundy Race
16 The Internet
17 Raffle Donations
17 The Club Geny Missing
17 Hail & Farewell
18 AGM & Prize Giving
19 Dates For Your Diary