Autumn 1999

We left Poole Harbour and sailed to Weymouth and the next day had a lumpy crossing to Cherbourg; there was no point in going to Alderney it was packed with boats. Cherbourg was as bad so we anchored in the outer harbour.

On the 8th August we sailed with a few boats towards Alderney and were about a mile from the centre line of the eclipse. We did not have a very good view and it was overcast but the complete darkness was very strange; with a horizon of sea and sky. The sky was yellow and then
pink and all the boats had nav.lights on.

1 Commodore's Bit
2 Annual Dinner
3 Working Party
4 Sunbury Regatta
5 Signet Championships
6 Topper Adventures
7 Solent '99
8 Solent 99 page 2
9 Children’s Activity Day
10 Bewl Visit
11 Sailing Report
12 Eclipse Cruise
13 Hampton Riverside
14 Hampton Riverside p 2
15 Cundy Race
16 The Internet
17 Raffle Donations
17 The Club Geny Missing
17 Hail & Farewell
18 AGM & Prize Giving
19 Dates For Your Diary

We opened a bottle of wine and
continued down the Alderney race with the tide to Guernsey. The boats in the
harbour were everywhere so we took
on diesel and water and left very quickly for the peace of Hern, Sark
and then Alderney.

Our crossing to Studland was very fast and very exciting'. On Sunday
we went ashore for lunch at the Bankes Arms which just happened to
have a beer festival - enjoyed by some.