Thames Water - Hampton Riverside - Rodger Wheeler

Autumn 1999

We know that Thames Water are seeking to develop all or part of large parcel of land bordering the river Thames which is no longer required by Thames Water for operational purposes. The area encompasses the filterbeds and buildings opposite Platts Eyot and Sunnyside reservoirs and filterbeds bounded to the north by Lower Sunbury Road and Upper Sunbury Road and to the south by the River Thames. There is also an area between the Lower and Upper Sunbury Roads to the West of the junction between them.

The greatest benefit to the public would be achieved if the site, with the exception of the listed buildings, was used entirely as a public open space. The 1992 Richmond UDP (Unitary Development Plan) comments on the requirement for open space for the enjoyment of the residents of Hampton. It would be criminal if this site was developed on the river side of the Upper and Lower Sunbury Roads.

There is little access to the Thames in Hampton. This particular area has been denied to the residents of Hampton for so long that many are unaware of it's potential. It is a particularly beautiful stretch of the river Thames with long vistas and panoramas. The area could provide nearly a mile of public riverside open land. You only have to look at the Surrey side to see the newest "wild" park between the existing riverside grassland and the Hurst Road.

1 Commodore's Bit
2 Annual Dinner
3 Working Party
4 Sunbury Regatta
5 Signet Championships
6 Topper Adventures
7 Solent '99
8 Solent 99 page 2
9 Children’s Activity Day
10 Bewl Visit
11 Sailing Report
12 Eclipse Cruise
13 Hampton Riverside
14 Hampton Riverside p 2
15 Cundy Race
16 The Internet
17 Raffle Donations
17 The Club Geny Missing
17 Hail & Farewell
18 AGM & Prize Giving
19 Dates For Your Diary

We are represented on a river users focus group which has created a plan to preserve and enhance the riverside areas. We support that plan which includes the following proposals:

The area to the eastern end of the site (Filter beds 1 to 7) should become a public park with minimum maintenance requirements consisting of grass areas, shallow lagoon(s) in front of the listed buildings, facilities such as tennis courts, a bandstand and a small kiosk and toilets. The bund along the river should be lowered to improve the vistas and views from both river and land side and provide a safer footpath along the River on the land side of the trees. These tall trees should be retained. 24 hour mooring and public transport should be provided to improve non-car access and the existing ferry service should be enhanced to provide crossings from 6a.m. till midnight.

The area to the west (Sunnyside Filterbeds) should become a natural wetland with full public access by modifying the existing filter beds and providing paths around them. The operation should be effected at low cost and the whole site should be left to naturalise. Eyesores such as the tall lamp posts and tin sheds should be removed. The area is very peaceful and should remain so albeit with some
environmental enhancement.
