Member’s Pages
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Problem with many menus; I am trying to fix.
Saturday 15 February
The Gentlemen of Aquarius request the pleasure of the company of the Ladies at a BANQUET - Booking essential, details; Fully Booked.
Tuesday 4 March Committee meeting 14:30 at the clubhouse
Activities at Aquarius throughout the Winter. The Club will be open every Sunday except 29 December; more. Wednesday Opening reduced to selected Wednesdays with a Meal at 18:30; more.
18 December - Christmas Nibbles The evening of the 18th was cold and wet. Not exactly the kind of night anyone would want to go out on. However a dozen or so people turned up for this, the last club event of the year. Nigel and Rodger had put together “the nibbles” which consisted of French bread, various types of cheese, dips, olives and savoury meats. This was accompanied by hot, spicy mulled wine. Finally there was minced pies and coffee to top off an excellent supper. The conversation was varied and lively and altogether made for a very enjoyable evening. Thanks guy’s you did a great job.
Photos from events are in Google Photos and stories are in the Stories page
RYA Club Room.
A history of AQSC 1948 to 2008
26 October Conditions were ideal for the work party, warm and dry, no wind. 22 members completed many tasks; including additional steps giving access to the upper seating and adding some some plants. Thanks to everyone who helped, especially Nigel for the planning and organising, Diana Carpenter, Jean Maracchi and Deborah Lea for feeding us.
Mike Baker
10 November Around 10 at the club. Nigel and Bryan were working on the quarter deck seating, Dudley was mixing cement. Others were chatting with tea and mince pies.
03 November At last, after 5 weeks of not being able to sail due the strong stream, this last day of scheduled Series racing had a low stream, 0.5 knts, and a steady force 1 to 2 East wind so there was good sailing. There was only one race in the afternoon as BST had ended. The Cundy Long Distance race hadn't been held yet so very sensibily it was added to run concurrent with the afternoon race, the upstream mark was laid near the Channel mark (Sunbury Court Island). The race lasted around an hour.
27 October Although only Yellow Board there was 1.5knts stream and hardly any wind so sailing wasn’t possible. There were about 15 at the club and more jobs were completed.06 October September was the wettest on record and caused a high river stream. There has been no sailing for the last two weeks due to Strong Stream Red Warning boards.
News and Future updated 6feb25